I believe that we as human beings live in the middle of a hurricane. Not a great physical hurricane taking place in the cosmos or even one of those minor ones that has a habit of destroying the Florida Keys every few years. I think we're talking about a hurricane of instability.
Fortunately though, I said we're in the middle of the hurricane, and as we all know from 4th grade science (or the movie The Perfect Storm) That's where the eye of the hurricane is. A place of relative peace sheltered from the winds of uncertainty. Where as long as we keep pace with the hurricane and move in the direction that it's moving you can feel a modicum of predictability
Out There amidst the shrieking winds and roiling waters are all of those things that we don't know about and can't approach for certain and can't predict. Out there is the untamed wild.
Did you know that the Wright brothers made 4 flights in their original flyer? They also made them within the space of a few days of eachother. What kind of weather do you think they flew in? If it were me I'd have waited for a calm summer day before trying to test out the first ever flying machine. No, they made the first flight in December of 1903. A very cold day in North Carolina and they did it by flying their airplane into freezing wind that was gusting at around 25 mph.
They flew directly into the wind and achieved flight. It's interesting to note that that legacy carries on today. To conduct flight operations an Air Craft Carrier will increase it's speed and turn into the wind before launching its airplanes. Moving into the wind and away from the calm was and is the only way you can make them fly.
Why, in life, are we so concerned with staying in the eye of the storm. Why don't we brave the winds? Why don't we make sudden changes? I don't know, I wouldn't be posting this if I did know. Maybe you do, will you share?
You know what I realized as I was writing this? When you are moving in the eye of the storm it may be stable, but there are clouds on every side. Only when you brave the winds and fly will you break out of the storm and see the sunset.

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